Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Sorry for the crude map. the line on top is hwy 11. the crooked line on bottom is club lake road. connecting them is legion st. I haven't a clue what roads were there then. the red blocks were where the officers quarters were. the green square is the mess hall. the light blue dot is the loading dock. the brown squares are the latrine and garage. the purple house is where my house is. we had to dig out the ground there because that was where old model a hoods were along with broken glass and trash. I guess my house sits where their dump was. the blue line is the creek. the pink dot is the bridge. the grey line is the road the ccc guys made. the green line is the rest my drive. hope this helps more than confuse.
Here is the latrine or bathhouse. The drawing is the outline of the walls. The bottom was the entrance. The square was where they put antifungal liqiud for them to walk through after bathing. The circle was the drain.
I should have taken pictures this fall. Once the weeds and grass die I always spend several days cleaning off all the weeds to get it back to just the concrete. This is the square for antifungal liquid. Grass is growing in the drain and all the cracks.
This is a shot of the latrine from the end. The little building is on top of what used to be the garage where they worked on the model a's or t's.
Here is a concrete block that sits infront of the mess hall. I was told it was the loading dock.
Here is a picture from farther away. It is about ten by four feet and about 2 feet tall.
Here is the mess hall entrance. The rock wall was the edge to the door.
You can see how it was dug out in this picture. It had steps going down into the building. Standing on the ground the roof was about eye level.
This is a old grainy picture I have of the mess hall front door. I wish I had more old pictures.
This is my drive going to my house. I put it in because all we did was pave it. The CCC guys made it for something. It seems to start in the woods and end in the woods. I tied into it and made part of it my drive. They made it in the side of a steep hill. They had to move boulders and had it nice and level.
The old road leads into the woods and goes to this old bridge. I am assuming the guys made the road and built the brige over the creek.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
A cabin will not be complete without dead animals on the wall.
Curtis swears he got a good deal on all these critters. When you sit in the living room there are now many eyes staring at you. I never would have thought that I would have a huge buffalo hanging on my mantle.
We have an Axis deer, an antelope, a pheasant, a bear and a buffalo...
A wildebeest, and a whitetail deer...
...and finally a turkey and a ram. I don't have a picture of the buffalo skin and the cow skin hanging over the balcony.
Nicholas was so excited that when I got home he said "daddy got a buffalo but someone cut its legs off." This thing is so big we had to use the trailer to get it home. I think of cabin is complete.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Vacation 2010
We went on vacation in July and had a great time. The twins are 5 years old and Nic is 4. We are finally old enough to remember and enjoy a vacation. We have been waiting for everyone to be over 42 inches tall so we could take this vacation and we finally made it.
Monday and Tuesday we spent all day at Great Wolf Lodge. The indoor water park was great for such a hot summer. The kids could ride all but 2 rides at the park, and they did. Nic was a little scared on the first raft ride because you had to walk up 4 flights of stairs. Once we got him to the top and we rode down together as a family, you could not slow the little man down. Everyone had a great time.
Wednesday we made it to Six Flags over Texas. Roller coasters here we come! I really thought that the kids would ride one and be ready to go home but I was wrong. The little stinkers rode everything. This ranges from the little kiddy rides that mom and dad couldn't ride to the big roller coasters. They were measured alot because they just barely made that 42 inch mark. We were there from 10am when the gates were opening until the 10:30pm when everyone was asked to leave. We only sat down to eat lunch and that was not until about 3. Curtis was starving otherwise the kids would not had stopped then. We saw Batman an Robin, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and Lex Luther. Curtis bought each of them a new cape. Mike got Superman/Bizzaro (good guy/bad guy) cape, Hailey got Wonder Woman and of coarse Nic got Batman/ Joker . Every one was all smiles.
Thursday night we went to the kids first Rangers game. Wow wee that park was big, it was way bigger than their 8 year old cousins little league field. I don't know if they were more excited about the game or the food. We found nachos, hot dogs, and cotton candy. The kids were so full of sugar when we left, and the Rangers won their game. This was an awesome night.
Friday we flew home to Odessa to see the grandparents. I thought I took pictures of the kids on the plane but they are lost somewhere. Mike was very inquisitive about where exactly Jesus lives if he can't see him from above the clouds. I love the innocence of a child. We swam at Meme's and Papa's house and had a great visit. Came back home on Sunday just in time to get in bed and go back to work of Monday.
It was a whirl-wind trip but every one was well behaved and seemed to enjoy themselves. We made many memories that I hope that I and the kids never forget.

Us at Great Wolf Lodge after a long day of swimming.
These are the prize capes the kids got from Six Flags. I always knew my kids had multiple personalities.
The kids go to meet the Rangers mascot. Mike was so full of sugar I guess he tasted good.
The family at the Rangers park. Yeah we won!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Pre K is over? already?
We had a great year and it is hard to believe it is over. Mrs. Trammel was teacher's aid the twins had this year. One of Mike and Hailey's best friends is Mrs. Trammel's grandson, Christian.
Mrs. Combs was Mike and Hailey's teacher. She is strict but also great with kids. I appriciate everything that she did for Mike and Hailey this year. She helped them learn so much and mature from little toddlers into school kids.
Mike and Hailey proud of their Pre K certifiates. We told them they had to keep them safe or they could not go to Kindergarten next fall.
Mike graduating.
Hailey graduating.
One Year Down........At Least 13 more too go!!!!!!
So much new stuff since 2009.
We went to my Mom and Dads for Easter. It sure was good to be home. I have great folks.
Everyone got to go on this whirl-wind trip even the first born, Koda.
We were sure to let the Easter Bunny know to go to Meme and PaPa's house to hide the eggs. How did that bunny know Nic loves Batman, Hailey loves princesses and Mike was a Superman.
Curtis even wore a tie. There was a time when he wore one everyday but now I see them every once in a blue moon.
I love the bright and chearful colors of Easter.
Next we move on the something that totally distrubes Curtis but makes me laugh. I could not pass up the opportunity to post these pics. When the kids came to me and told me to take their picture I just about tripped over myself to get the camera.
My Michael can go from one of the Lane boys.... (getting dirty out cutting firewood with Daddy, Pawpaw and uncle Jimmy) too.......
A very beautiful Lane girl. I know what blackmail I am going to get out of this one. He still thinks it is funny and cute at age 5.
Matter of a fact sometimes I have 3 Lane girls. Nic makes a very "interesting" ballerina.
Pray for my kids that this is something that they grow out of.
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