Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Delays.......Another 2 months and counting

Roy (Our rock man) has been working hard to get all the rock on the house. All that is left is the rock on the bottom of the pillars and he is about to get those whooped.

Roy added a star above the front window for added character.

The back of the house is almost finished as well.

Mike (cabinet man) did a great job making the cabinets. The granite was put on this last week. We just need some stain and paint !!!

Oh, yea.......and some more rock. The arch is going to be rocked as well as the island.

We have the gameroom about done. We have to seal and polyurethane everything and add some carpet and it will be done.

These are the beams above the livingroom. It's just a matter of time before we find the boys hanging from them.

This is another picture of the logs. I was standing on the catwalk looking over rather than under them.

These are the logs above the catwalk. The handrails will be put in later this week, then we don't have to worry about anyone falling over.

This is the rest of the logs under the catwalk. The men are glad to be done with all the logs.

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