We went on vacation in July and had a great time. The twins are 5 years old and Nic is 4. We are finally old enough to remember and enjoy a vacation. We have been waiting for everyone to be over 42 inches tall so we could take this vacation and we finally made it.
Monday and Tuesday we spent all day at Great Wolf Lodge. The indoor water park was great for such a hot summer. The kids could ride all but 2 rides at the park, and they did. Nic was a little scared on the first raft ride because you had to walk up 4 flights of stairs. Once we got him to the top and we rode down together as a family, you could not slow the little man down. Everyone had a great time.
Wednesday we made it to Six Flags over Texas. Roller coasters here we come! I really thought that the kids would ride one and be ready to go home but I was wrong. The little stinkers rode everything. This ranges from the little kiddy rides that mom and dad couldn't ride to the big roller coasters. They were measured alot because they just barely made that 42 inch mark. We were there from 10am when the gates were opening until the 10:30pm when everyone was asked to leave. We only sat down to eat lunch and that was not until about 3. Curtis was starving otherwise the kids would not had stopped then. We saw Batman an Robin, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and Lex Luther. Curtis bought each of them a new cape. Mike got Superman/Bizzaro (good guy/bad guy) cape, Hailey got Wonder Woman and of coarse Nic got Batman/ Joker . Every one was all smiles.
Thursday night we went to the kids first Rangers game. Wow wee that park was big, it was way bigger than their 8 year old cousins little league field. I don't know if they were more excited about the game or the food. We found nachos, hot dogs, and cotton candy. The kids were so full of sugar when we left, and the Rangers won their game. This was an awesome night.
Friday we flew home to Odessa to see the grandparents. I thought I took pictures of the kids on the plane but they are lost somewhere. Mike was very inquisitive about where exactly Jesus lives if he can't see him from above the clouds. I love the innocence of a child. We swam at Meme's and Papa's house and had a great visit. Came back home on Sunday just in time to get in bed and go back to work of Monday.
It was a whirl-wind trip but every one was well behaved and seemed to enjoy themselves. We made many memories that I hope that I and the kids never forget.

Us at Great Wolf Lodge after a long day of swimming.
These are the prize capes the kids got from Six Flags. I always knew my kids had multiple personalities.
The kids go to meet the Rangers mascot. Mike was so full of sugar I guess he tasted good.
The family at the Rangers park. Yeah we won!