Hailey and Michael had there first day of Pre K. They were so excited to buy all of the supplies and to pack their backpacks. They were nervous like mom and daddy were but when it came time to leave it was a different story for Mike. Hailey did perfectly, sitting at her desk coloring her picture. Mike did his "I need a kiss and hug first" routine. Then he started fussing about us leaving. He practically chased us out of the room....untill....Alexa Rainge (a very pretty little girl) walked into class. All of the sudden, out of nowhere, Mike turned around and started acting so cool. After that Curtis and I could leave. I can't help but laugh because if this is how he acts at 4 years old, I don't want to know what it will be like as a teenager.
So far school has been great. Mike only has one enemy, a boy he has never gotten along with. It is a constant battle to teach Mike not to listen to or act like this other little boy. I guess this is something we all go through. So far he is making out like a champ. Hailey is a follower so she just does what everyone else does. Sometimes this is a good thing and sometimes it is not. We are just learning when to not conform. Hailey has never really been a good nap-taker so being still and quiet during nap time has been hard. I sure do love them both!